Tips and advice on being attractive and hot
So how can I be an attractive (we are primarily focusing on physical attractiveness here but will also deal with attitude) woman? My female clients invariably ask me that question because their hypothesis is that if they want to get the guy they want, they have to be good looking (because apparently men like all attractive women). Well, it is not always true. The way it is not true that all women like rich and successful men (even if they don't look so good), it is also not true that all men like only hot women. In fact some men are intimidated by very pretty women and feel that they may not be able to keep up with them in bed, or that she is more likely to be hit on by other men and thus more prone to cheat, or that she might draw more attention than them.
Having said that, I still think that being an attractive woman, if not necessarily hot, is a plus in most cases. Several studies show that not only in the area of relationships, but women with good looks (even men for that matter) have an edge in almost all other areas of life, for example, professional advancement, being able to do business deals, and even getting better tables in a restaurant.
Being able to convert an 'average' persona to a 'attractive' persona is only a matter of change in attitude and style. In fact, I encourage my clients to have a dual persona: a professional persona for professional and social settings while a hot persona for romantic settings.
Being attractive!
Believe it or not, this is relatively easy. In my opinion, it is simply having a few attributes in your persona that attract someone's attention. Now some women are simply blessed with natural beauty and will draw attention no matter what. For instance, you might have nice flowing hair or beautiful eyes or pouty lips or shapely body - anything that other people notice because it looks good on you.
Other women just take the right steps to make them look better. It is always easy for anyone to dress in a trendy style (and remember that it does not necessarily mean expensive) but the really clever women take what is not so attractive but can be turned into something really attractive by emphasizing it. For instance, even average lips can be made to look great with the right makeup. They can simply match and mix outfits to look as if they shop every day.
The third approach is showing a great attitude. Remember, more than anything else, we all like to 'feel good'. Thus, if anyone around us can create that feeling, it does not matter how physically fit she is or not. What I mean here is that women who are extremely cheerful, pleasant, sweet, funny, attentive, interesting, or charming will be considered desirable by almost anyone. As Sarah Paul, the author of the guide for women called "How to be irresistible to men" writes, "Being irresistible to men is simply changing your behavior in ways that men will like everything about you. By merely learning how to dress, look feminine, and flirting the right way, you will have men drooling over you."
Being hot!
More than anything else it is the attitude that makes one hot. Of course, wearing sexy outfits is always desirable (as our model on this page shows). So if you do not have the body of a movie star, you need not worry. In fact my male clients have often confirmed that a drop-dead gorgeous woman without the attitude is in no way 'hot'. On the other hand even an average looking woman with the right attitude can be very hot.
So how do you get the attitude? As April Masini, always advises, "Fake it!" With time you will get better at it and it will come to you as second nature. In fact you will be able to completely transform your personality over time. Men also like hot women that give them a challenge. Someone who is constantly challenging them in a teasing manner - so she still maintains that man-woman relationship balance but gives just the right amount of stimulant to a man to make him want her by beating her at her own game. Finally, keep an open mind. Be adventurous. If you close your mind and have too many hang-ups, you will be considered boring, dull, and frigid. You do not have to necessarily do anything that you do not like to do or compromise your values in any way, but as long as you are ready to talk about anything in a frank manner, men will appreciate your attitude and even respect it.
Friday, August 10, 2007
How to be an attractive woman
Posted by
Do it Now Or Never
12:53 AM
Labels: attractive woman
How to be a sexy woman?
Tips and ideas for women to be sexy, seductive, and stylish
Since we published the article How to be an attractive woman, we have received dozens of emails from women all over the world, asking several somewhat related questions: How to be sexy, how to be seductive, how to dress sexy, how to look/feel attractive/sexy/seductive, ideas to get your boyfriend to find you more attractive, how to be seductive/seductive dressing for women, tips for wearing sexy clothes, and many others. This article will try to answer all of these questions.
Who is a sexy woman?
* She is not a bad person. Even mothers or religious/devout women can be sexy too. There is nothing wrong with being sexy.
* You don't have to be sexy for a man. You can be one just for your own happiness. You can also be one even when you are alone and no one is looking at you. It is not something that you do to please others; you can do it for yourself - this is a lifestyle.
* You do not have to dress provocatively or expose skin that makes you uncomfortable.
* You do not have to spend a million dollars.
* You do not need a perfect body of a model or a movie star. I have seen a lot of women thatPhoto of a sexy woman of Asian and Hispanic origin wearing a white tube top with low riding jeans have great bodies or unlimited money to buy whatever they want but they are still a total turn-off.
So how to become one?
You will need four things and let us spend time on each one of them in detail.
* Style
o Develop your own. It is OK to learn from celebrities, idols, models, etc. but eventually you need a style that works for you.
o Apply the style to everything about you: hair, clothing, accessories, makeup.
o Pay attention to detail. Some tips - do not ever use cheap/dirty underwear just because no one is going to see it, or not clean your shoes, or have a messy purse, or skip on personal hygiene (regular showers, oral hygiene, women's personal hygiene, hair care, etc.).
o It is OK to have few clothes but they should be in good shape and fit you well. Show what is good about your body and hide what is not so good.
o Learn other things that sexy women have: flirtatious, charming, desirable, and above all, fun to be around.
* Behavior/personality/etiquette
o No matter how good looking you are; if you do not behave like a sexy lady, it doesn't matter. So learnPicture of a Latina woman with an attitude that shows off her confidence as a woman all the etiquettes and tricks that a sexy woman has. If it means attending an etiquette or finishing or modeling school, do it. It is worth the investment.
o Stop being mean or nasty or obnoxious or arrogant or bitchy. People will love you if you are sweet and polite and a pleasant woman to be with.
* Posture
o In other words, how you carry yourself around. As I said before, forget if you are short or fat or old, always carry yourself around as a sexy woman. Stand straight with your head high and walk like a model. (Related article: Good posture)
o If you don't know how to do this, it is good to watch television and/or attend a school for models. I also recommend that you take dancing lessons. Not to mention the importance of exercising regularly.
* Voice/talk
o It can make all the difference. Now not much can be done about your actual voice since that is Nature's gift but you can still do a lot about how you talk. Learn to speak seductively and you will notice that immediately people pay attention to you. A voice coach can help you do that.
o Keep yourself informed on the basics. If you are clueless on what is going on, people will think of you as an airhead. You don't have to be an expert in anything but if you have enough knowledge about some simple facts related to fashion, politics, business, gossip, current events, movies, etc., you will be alright in most situations. If you don't know anything about a topic, admit it, and ask questions. And then listen with rapt attention. Men love an attentive woman and find her very sexy.
Posted by
Do it Now Or Never
12:30 AM
Labels: sexy woman