A strong case for Japanese women to date African Americans
I am an American, and I am studying to become a lawyer in the United States of America. I am single, somewhat attractive, slim, tall, honest, loyal, loving and romantic, sweet, funny, and hardworking. And I would like to meet a Japanese lady. Oh by the way, did I mention that I am African American? (Related article: How to meet Japanese women?)
If you are a Japanese woman and still reading, what went through your mind? Take a moment to think about it. I would be willing to bet that you may have been a little interested at first, then, you probably felt that you were not. You probably thought of the black musicians and singers in Roppongi if you have ever been there? Or you thought of the stereotypes of blacks in the movies and the music videos? Why do you think that happened? Well, let's explore a few reasons why, shall we? (Related: Black women and Japanese men)
First, I think some people believe that if a person's skin is a different color, then that person must be different. Is this true?

Have you ever watched the Cosby Show on television? If not, you should find some way to see it. On the Cosby Show, you have an African American family, where the father is a medical doctor, and the wife is a lawyer. They live in a nice home, the children are interesting, and they love each other very much. This is just one example of many African American families. Of course not all, but there are many like this believe it or not. The problem is that many people in Japan do not see this side of African American people. And this is very unfortunate. Don't misunderstand me; I want to report this information in a fair and balanced way. So let me just say that there are many African American families that do not live in this manner. Furthermore, many African Americans do not have the skills that are necessary to progress in life, such as a good education and culture. But at the same time, there are many other people from all types of races that do not have these skills, culture, or education either. Let's face it, what it truly boils down to is the individual. (Related article: Interracial relationships)
So, if you have ever thought (or are now staring to think, I hope) about having a relationship with an African American, but just did not know what to expect, let me give you some advice: Before getting involved with an African American male, you must do your research. You must first learn all you can about him, as you should for any male. (Related: Jaqueline Fleming)
First, find out his educational background. If he has a business of his own, this is fine, but it does not mean very much. He still must be able to hold an intelligent conversation with people. Not just with his people, but with yours too. You pick up these skills in college, and you learn how to apply them. So his educational background is very important. How does he speak? Let's face it, you must be able to understand his English. Furthermore, if you become soul mates, he will probably be the one that will help you to improve your English. So make sure that his English is good. This is very important.

Finally, before considering marriage, always make sure that he has a job, and that he will be able to continue working for a good time into the future. (Related: Japanese wife)
And that's it! Wow! I guess you are thinking that there is a lot of things to check, right? Not really. To be honest with you, these are things that many of us do anyway, and do not really realize it. It is just that we learn these things as we spend time knowing someone, and we just do not make a checklist while doing it. African American men are very open-minded toward other cultures. They are patient, and can be very honest and sincere. They are full of love and joyful things in life. Yes, the younger generation is very creative when it comes to music and fashion, as I am sure you have probably noticed already in your country, but there are many highly professional African American adults with good family values. (Related article: Ready to marry?)
OK, so here comes the good part ladies: romance! Yes, it is true, and it is not a myth: African American men are excellent lovers (Relationship myths). Don't ask me why, we just are. But remember, being a good lover is not the only important thing in a relationship. In fact, it is a small part, but yes, it is important. Do you agree? I certainly do. So, if you were my sweetheart, you may want to ask yourself, what else do I believe a relationship should have? Well, I believe that it is important for me to be a good lover, but it is also important for me to buy you roses once in a while; to massage your entire body when you are tired; to keep you safe; to come home every night; to talk to you when I am away; to give you hugs when you are feeling down; to make sure you are warm; to hold your hand when we walk; to be a good listener and a good teacher; to give you time to your self when you need it; to tickle your feet when you are bad; to teach you things that you did not know; to wash dishes when you are tired; to gaze into your beautiful, almond-shaped eyes and kiss your soft lips; to believe in you and your goals and dreams, and support them one hundred percent; to take you out to dinner often; to feed you ice cream from my spoon; to play soft music and turn off the lights, take your hands and dance slowly, as we listen to our hearts pound as we stand close to each other, and I whisper into your ear that I love you.
I invite you to open your mind and try a chocolate kiss. The sweet taste will make you smile for a long time!
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